Individual Work
If after getting acquainted with my work, you would like to study personally with me, then fill in this application form Fill application form
I have a lot of experience in communicating with people in different life situations, in numerous scientific, cultural, educational projects, in social sector, governmental structures and various professional spheres.
My ability to listen, estimate the situation adequately, and encourage a person to look for the most suitable solution gives me the right to guarantee you a result.
My theoretical knowledge on interpersonal and intercultural communication, verified by more than 20 years lecturing at the university, personal consulting, group training, scientific articles and reports for international scientific conferences, let me evaluate Your situation throughly and enlist your potential for finding a solution.
If you have already known me and are sure that namely I could help you, please contact me
I consult on different everyday communicative situations, which happen at work, in the family, among friends and partners, with people whom we love and by whom we are loved, between parents and children, in public places, while having rest or during business trip, in your native country or abroad.
Videlicet communication is the beginning of our contacts with the surrounding us world. That is why enjoyable and useful communication makes our life meaningful and joyful.
Unfortunately, we often get offended and are upset, clash with someone and even give up relationship with our nearest and dearest not because somebody is good or bad but because we didn’t keep silence when it was necessary or didn’t say something which was necessary to say.
We try to blame ourselves or others in conflict situations or when we can’t understand somebody and even have no idea that a problem could be solved easily if we simply choose a suitable style of communication.
I would help you find your own style of communication so that you could eliminate ambivalence in relationship and come to a higher level of your personal and professional development.
For a thorough examination of your situation and finding an effective way to solve it, in my opinion we need a serious and responsible cooperation from 1 to 3 months.
During this period of time we create a system, thanks to which you will not only solve your current communicative behaviour so that not to make the same mistakes in future.
I have a very busy schedule (science, management, creativity, consulting, personal education) that is why I choose only those who are going to cooperate seriously as not only you but myself seek for a positive result.
I will look forward to our future cooperation if you:
- are disposed for positive and successful changes;
- are ready to learn regulary till you achieve some positive results.
If you think that individual work with me could be really beneficial to you, then do not hesitate to contact me.